The last great UK Masters qualifier banter: Joekerism shuts down egos with savage memes

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Another day in the UK League of Legends Masters Qualifiers, another ego flaming the UK scene, another Twitter meme and a savage response from a UK ADC.
In the words of Alan Partridge, it’s great banter, it really is.
Tonight’s UK LoL banter is courtesy of MacroManiacs, a team that entered the final UK Masters qualifier, and were one game away from qualifying.
Their opponents? Enclave Gaming. Enclave really wanted this, it was their last chance to qualify and they wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Ahead of the match, MacroManiacs players MonkWillCarry and Turkinator took to Twitter to thump their chests and generate some hype on Twitter.

Turkinator, who was also apparently trash-talking in the Twitch chat/pre-game lobby, later deleted his tweets. Here are a couple of them:
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Enclave won the match.
In 21 minutes.
Enclave ADC and UK scene veteran Joekerism didn’t let his memes remain dreams. He responded with a couple of savage tweets:

We even got involved.

Fair play to MonkWillCarry, he back-tracked afterwards and admitted he was trashtalking for hype.

Well that’s enough banter for one set of qualifiers. Now we look forward to the actual tournament itself.
In case you missed it, give yourself a rewind and read up on last night’s UK scene banter.
Here are the final eight qualified teams for the LoL UK Masters.

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