LoL player who qualified for NLC Division 2 retires, cites removal of high elo duo queue as one of the reasons why

NLC northern league champio

Anders ‘Fittle’ Wind, a Danish League of Legends (LoL) support player, has announced his retirement.

Fittle was most recently with Fløng Esports Elite, a Danish organisation that played in the Northern League of Legends Championship (NLC) calibration/qualifying tournament and made it to the Spring 2022 Division 2.

The NLC is the LoL European Regional League (ERL) for the UK, Ireland and Nordics.

Fittle announced his retirement in a Twitlonger post earlier today:

Fittle said: “To make a long story short, I am going to the military on April 4th which will collide with playoffs for the teams I got an offer from.

“Besides that, I simply do not enjoy the game anymore when I play solo. Therefore after the removal of duoQ, I spiralled into depression, since I had very little contact with other people with all the time I spend studying and playing LoL.

“I still really enjoy playing as a team so I might comeback to that again sometime later.”

Fittle also added that it doesn’t make financial sense to keep playing “since you are expected to do a full-time job for half time pay”.

The player’s comments come after Riot Games removed duo queue from high elo play (Master tier and above) last year.

Earlier this year, Dot Esports reported that several pro players, such as Carzzy, Vander and Santorin, wanted duo queue brought back at high elo.

Fittle received a lot of farewell comments and shows of appreciation from people in the scene, including Danish caster Guldborg, who said he will be missed:

The news comes after NLC announced the confirmed teams for Divisions 1 and 2:

The NLC and other accredited ERLs kick off on January 10th 2022.

See more NLC news and updates here

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