Who has the most kills and assists in the ESL UK LoL Premiership so far?

esl lol 2016 uk qualifiers preview 1

Exertus Esports’ support player Jamie “Tundra” Duthie has compiled a detailed stat table looking at team and individual player performances in the ESL UK Premiership so far.
The stats cover the first three matches for each team, and include total kills, assists, kill-death-assist (KDA) ratio and kill participation.
Kill participation is total kills plus assists on a specific player, conveyed as a percentage of the team’s total kills.
For example, Sir Scott has been involved in 86.1% of his team’s kills so far.
Here’s the team table:
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And here’s the player table: 
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Banditos ADC Yuuki60 has the best KDA so far – a rating of 13. Banditos mid-laner Caedrel is second with a KDA of 12.5 and Exertus’ ADC Toaster is in third place with an 8.7 KDA.
Bear in mind that not all teams have played three games yet, meaning the stats may differ greatly.
Infused has picked up two default losses so far, due to not putting forward a full roster. Their ADC Cliff received a League of Legends ban earlier this week and ESL UK did not allow him to play yesterday’s match against the Banditos on a second account.
You can check out the current ESL UK league standings here:
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Source: Tundra / Google Docs

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