T1 Worlds 2023 skins finally release in LoL patch 14.16 amidst new matchmaking changes and mythic shop rotation

T1 Worlds 2023 skins in LoL patch 14.16

The T1 Worlds 2023 skins that came from T1’s Worlds 2023 win will finally drop in League of Legends this week, in patch 14.16.

T1 Jayce, T1 Bard, T1 Jinx, T1 Orianna, T1 Lee Sin and Prestige T1 Jayce will be available on August 14th 2024 at 7pm UTC (8pm BST).

The skins were chosen by T1’s South Korean players last November after T1 won Worlds 2023.

Top-laner Zeus chose Jayce for his skin (and Riot has also created a Prestige version of the skin), while jungler Oner picked Lee Sin and mid-laner Faker chose Orianna. ADC Gumayusi selected a Jinx skin and support player Keria opted for Bard.

Furthermore, the League of Legends in-game shop will have another Mythic Shop Rotation. The following skins will be added:

  • Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo
  • Prestige K/DA All Out Kai’Sa
  • Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora
  • Prestige True Damage Qiyana
  • Prestige T1 Jayce

Riot said the Prestige T1 Jayce skin will be staying in the mythic shop for longer than usual (until patch 14.20) ‘to make sure everyone has enough time to collect Mythic Essence if they’re looking to pick up this skin’.

The skins leaving the mythic shop are:

  • Prestige Eclipse Knight Senna
  • Prestige DRX Aatrox
  • Prestige Firecracker Vayne
  • Prestige Debonair Brand

Riot has also recently announced new Battle Queen skins for Gwen, Miss Fortune, Fiora and Annie, plus Mythic Variants for God-King Darius and God-King Garen, to drop in a future patch.

Some fans have expressed disappointment in the mythic God-King skins likely having a high price point.

Elsewhere in LoL patch 14.16, Mastery Points have been added back to the loading screen, the Swarm Operation: Anima Squad PvE mode is leaving the game mode rotation on August 19th 2024, and the career stats page is being removed ‘as less than 3% of players use it’.

Also, ranked 2 split will end on September 24th 2024 and split 3 will start on September 25th, the first day of patch 14.19.

There are some more changes below:

Matchmaking Improvements in LoL patch 14.16

“Recently we’ve seen a lot of player feedback around issues surrounding the balance of blue side, red side and off-role balance,” Riot said. “This patch, we’re making changes to better match off roles, including matching secondaries as if they were off roles.

“We’ve also made some improvements to make team vs team balance feel more fair and not repeatedly place the same players on the same teams (especially at the top of theladder).”

There will also be increased off-role parity, with both teams having a more similar amount of players autofilled or placed into their secondary roles, a reduction in how large LP gaps could be between players in a game, and a decrease on the red vs blue side imbalance, especially in higher MMRs

Boosting and Ranked Manipulation Penalties

As of this patch, Riot will be increasing the penalties for first-time offenders participating in ‘malicious forms of ranked manipulation such as account boosting, win trading, and de-ranking’.

“Previously, our warning ban for first-time offenders was short enough so players at high ranks could return before ranked decay kicked in,” Riot said. “Now the penalty will last a full 30 days, ensuring that these accounts will decay. The penalty for a second offense is stilla permanent ban. We take this behaviour very seriously, so everyone only gets a single warning.”

You can read the full League of Legends 14.16 patch notes on the Riot Games website here

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