New High Noon Skins, Prestige Talon and Worlds EDG Skins Heading to League of Legends

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Update: Talon is getting a prestige edition variant of his High Noon skin:

Original article: Riot Games has announced a new range of High Noon skins in League of Legends (LoL) for 2022.

The publisher revealed the splash art for the skins on its official LoL Twitter account just now.

These include skins for High Noon Varus and High Noon Talon (splash art combined), High Noon Katarina (pictured above), High Noon Mordekaiser and High Noon Leona.

These skins join other existing High Noon-style skins in League of Legends including Sheriff Caitlyn, High Noon Darius, Longhorn Alistar, High Noon Ashe, Bandito Fiddlesticks, High Noon Thresh and more.

The High Noon line is one of the more popular skin themes in League of Legends based on the number of skins there are within it.

You can see the new skin animations here:

The skins are available to test on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) and are expected to arrive on live servers around patch 12.9 on Wednesday May 11th 2022, though that has not yet been confirmed by Riot.

Worlds 2021 EDG skins

Every year, the winning esports team at the League of Legends World Championship (Worlds) receive skins of their choice to be added to the game.

Last year, Edward Gaming (EDG) won, and the artwork for their skins was officially revealed the other day, featuring (left to right) EDG Zoe, Graves, Viego, Yuumi and Aphelios.

Like the High Noon skins, the Worlds EDG skins are also due to arrive on May 11th when patch 12.9 lands.

In other recent skins news, Gangplank received his first skin in two years as Riot revealed new Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and seafaring LoL skins.

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