‘The biggest problem in the UK is that teams are more inclined to import’ – Kasing talks UK League after joining Movistar Riders with Maxlore


(Image credit: Movistar Riders website announcement)

Experienced UK League of Legends player Kasing has spoken candidly about his time in the UK scene after joining Movistar Riders.

He will be playing in the Spanish LVP SuperLiga Orange with fellow UK player Maxlore, who has also joined Movistar.

They join UK team director and head coach Jarge, whom Kasing has previously worked with at Excel Esports.

Both Kasing and Maxlore played in the NLC last split with mixed results. Support player Kasing leaves Excel after playing under them for two years, while jungler Maxlore leaves Munster Rugby Gaming, who recently departed from the NLC following late payments and other issues.

Both had dropped from the LEC level to the lower-tier NLC over the past year or so.

Kasing was recently interviewed by Fernando Cardenete and shared his honest thoughts about his time in the UK.

Kasing said: “Everyone is trying to find the next ‘UK Faker’. Everyone’s looking for a new player, every time. But that’s maybe due to UK players not even existing. France, Germany and Spain have way more players or pro players in general.

“I think that’s like the biggest problem in the UK, everyone’s more inclined to import. Where are the UK players? That’s the question.

“Teams aren’t looking to develop players. They’re looking to get players in for one split and then ‘bye’.”

Kasing also mentioned he was worried he wasn’t going to get any offers – and that Maxlore is someone he’s always wanted to play with.

“I think in my opinion, he’s always been a good player but I just felt he’s been a bit unlucky in his journey so far,” he added. “I feel like he’s very similar to me in terms of making it to Worlds once and then it’s just like ‘this guy is washed up’. It’s just public perception.”

UK teams and players have been a hot topic in the UK League community recently.

Movistar Riders attended the European Masters (EUM) twice last year, knocking out Fnatic Rising in spring and winning their first ever SuperLiga Orange title in summer, making them the defending champions going into 2021.

Jarge said: “We have five players who are hungry to win. In addition, I think it is very positive to have this mix of veterans and rookies that will help us improve faster.”

The 2021 SuperLiga Orange Spring Season doesn’t yet have a start date, and some other Spanish teams are still due to announce rosters.

Last year, Esports News UK interviewed Kasing after Excel’s difficult spring 2019 split in the LEC.

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