What lessons can UK League of Legends players learn from FORG1VEN?

forg1ven lessons opinion 1

Tom Beer looks at the lessons to take from the best player never to win an LCS title – Konstantinos “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou – in this opinion piece.
“By Far!”
The words once uttered by the Immortal FORG1VEN when asked the question: “Do you think you have the most skill out of all the [EU] bottom lanes?”
In 2014, Konstantinos “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou had a KDA of 12.3, with fans, pundits and rivals describing him as the best ADC in the West.
Yet as of June this year, FORG1VEN is taking an indefinite break from League of Legends. FORG1VEN says his decision was due to the loss to G2 Gaming in the previous split, with G2 clinching the title and a spot at the Mid-Season Invitational, and also poor scrim results with Origen.
Origen said they originally benched him due to his ‘lack of motivation’.
So, what lessons can UK-based players learn from the career of the Greek God of the Bot Lane?
The first is for each player to understand their role as part of a team. FORG1VEN is famous for having excellent mechanics – and has previously said he is frustrated when losing to ADCs, such as Rekkles, whom he believes are beneath him.
The success of Rekkles, however, is that he knows his role in the game. He knows that if his team have drafted a composition around their top lane, then that is where jungle pressure and gold need to be funneled. Understanding this means he plays safe in lane, not taking unnecessary risks that may jeopardize that strategy by leaving them open to ganks.

“With a good summer split, FORG1VEN could have found himself on the way to the World Championships – something that appears will forever elude him.”

Secondly, players have to focus on teamwork and have the ability to work with others. That’s not to say you can’t have strong personalities or leadership, but competition means pressure, and any fractures in a team not resolved before loading into the Rift, can turn into gaping ravines before the end of a split.
FORG1VEN appears to lack this trait. London-based organisation H2K chose to part ways with FORG1VEN due to his inability to fit with the team, even though they finished second in the split with a 14-4 record. With a good summer split, FORG1VEN could have found himself on the way to the World Championships – something that appears will forever elude him.
Another lesson our UK players can take from FORG1VEN? Don’t flame.
We have all had those games where someone decides to sell their inventory for six Doran’s Blades, and probably said some things we shouldn’t. As players step into the professional scene, this is simply unacceptable. FORG1VEN’s stint with Gambit Gaming was ruined by his suspension due to in-game toxicity, not only ruining his own season, but also that of his team.
In his absence from League, it has been reported that FORG1VEN will be taking an internship in physiotherapy.
As the UK eSports scene grows, in my opinion UK-based players should always keep one thing in mind. Looking across different countries and games, one thing that stands out is that unless you are the very best, sometimes even the best ADC in the West, careers in eSports can be short lived.
With that in mind, it is good that FORG1VEN is looking to other career paths and interests. Should he ever return to League – or perhaps delve into a different game – he will do so having also improved his own education and qualifications, not just in-game accolades.

Further reading: How to build an effective League of Legends team – by Will “Frozen Dawn” Burgess.

Image source: Riot Flickr

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