Interview: 5 minutes with TSM’s UK PUBG stars Rory ‘rawryy’ Logue and Michael ‘mykLe’ Wake

tsm uk rawryy mykle tsm pgc

At the recent PUBG Global Championship (PGC) 2019 Grand Finals in Oakland, California, Jamie Wootton had the chance to speak with Rory ‘Rawryy’ Logue (pictured far right) and Michael ‘mykLe’ Wake (second from right) – the only British players present at the finals.

Both Rawryy and mykLe have been with North American esports organisation TSM for a relatively long period of time (MykLe since February 2019 and Rawryy a year earlier), so I wanted to learn a bit more about their thoughts on PUBG esports.

For a bit more context, the PGC Grand Finals was a two-day long event and I spoke to Rawryy and mykLe at the end of the first day when the matches finished.

Jamie Wootton, Esports News UK: Have TSM been grinding PUBG day-in-day-out or have you guys taken more of a balanced approach, leaving time to relax and take the experience in?

mykLe: There is a 64 PC practice area in the hotel we’re staying at so, when we got to Oakland, we were scrimming there and practising. Everything revolved around the hotel base because we were in there for most of the time.

We played scrims, free practice and I think the only time we actually went out was to San Francisco for the Golden Gate Bridge. Besides from that we kind of stayed around the hotel for the practice.

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Currently, the number of professional PUBG players from the UK is limited. As professional players yourselves, do you have any tips for aspiring professionals?

Rawryy: Play 5,000 hours, get involved in scrimmage Discords and lower-tier teams, make friends and work your way up. It’s always good to play against pro players and better players than you so you can learn so much more.

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mykLe: (Laughs) Play 5,000 hours. I think lower-tier teams and scrimmage Discords are really good like Rawryy suggested. Faceit and GLL (two online tournament platforms) are also really good, on GLL there are daily tournaments for money which professional players join in on.

What do you guys think about PUBG’s growth since 2018, and how supportive PUBG are of the esports scene?

mykLe: I think it’s good that we can get a lot of feedback across to the developers. They’re usually pretty positive with the updates they bring. I think it’s pretty good, it’s also nice for the organisations to get revenue share back on the skins too.

I’m kind of surprised to see how much [of a] prize pool they’re actually putting into the leagues, but that helps to bring people in. I think that it is looking positive for next year at least.

Rawryy: I think that it’s a really good structure with all the regions competing against one another in the leagues, and then for that to add up towards a global tournament like the PGC.

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The PUBG community has come out in droves to support the PGC. How does it feel to have such a supportive community behind you?

mykLe: I think the Chinese fans are destroying everyone in numbers so I think 4AM Esports is going to be sitting nicely after the tournament regardless of the result.

That said, crowd support and pick’ems are two things people have been asking for for a long time. I think they’re really starting to listen with things like that. I think team charms for guns could be a step up as well, I feel that charms could come next.

The developers are definitely listening so I think next year is going to be really good for organisations in-terms of revenue.

Rawryy: Yeah, I think in-game things like pick’ems gets more and more people involved, players go on the PUBG store and see PGC skins. I think that it is a good way to get new viewers in and that’s what we need all the time.

You can follow Rawryy and mykLe on Twitter here. Be sure to check back on Esports News UK soon for other big interviews from the PGC finals

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